Hey, hey! Welcome to my Itch.io page! 🎮✨
I’m Nessa a Game Creation student with a passion for crafting immersive experiences. My heart beats for horror, fantasy, and story-driven games. Every project on my page is either a semester project or a Game Jam creation.
My very first console was a Gameboy with Zelda the minish cap. My childhood games were Crash Bandicoot, MediEvil, and Kingdom Hearts. And I could go on forever because there are so many classics!
Currently, I am focusing on 3D design and eager to learn as much as possible, always exploring new ways to bring eerie and spookie stories to life. Some of my biggest inspirations come from Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Last of us, Until dawn and my blending tension, atmosphere, and unforgettable storytelling. Since I’ve always had an interest in video games and storytelling, I truly enjoy writing stories myself and exploring various themes.
Feel free to check out my projects, and if you love mysterious and immersive adventures as much as I do, you’re in the right place! 💀🌙
🚀 Let’s create worlds that haunt, inspire, and stay in our hearts 👾👻🤍